CondaLockedPackage# Bases: LockedPackage, ABC A locked conda package in a lock file. package_record property # package_record Returns the metadata of the package as recorded in the lock-file. version property # version Returns the version of the package as recorded in the lock-file. Examples# >>> from rattler import Platform, LockFile >>> lock_file = LockFile.from_path("../test-data/test.lock") >>> env = lock_file.default_environment() >>> lock_package = env.packages(Platform("osx-arm64"))[0] >>> lock_package.version Version("2024a") >>> satisfies # satisfies(spec) Returns true if this package satisfies the given spec. Examples# >>> from rattler import LockFile, Platform >>> lock_file = LockFile.from_path("../test-data/test.lock") >>> env = lock_file.default_environment() >>> packages = env.packages(Platform("osx-arm64")) >>> packages[0].satisfies("tzdata >=2024a") True >>>