Command Line

Grayskull - Conda recipe generator

usage: grayskull [-h] [--version] {cran,pypi} ...

Named Arguments

--version, -v

Print Grayskull version and exit

Default: False



Options to generate CRAN recipes

grayskull cran [-h] [--stdout STDOUT] [--list-missing-deps] [--download]
               [--maintainers MAINTAINERS [MAINTAINERS ...]] [--output OUTPUT]
               [--sections {package,source,build,requirements,test,about,extra} [{package,source,build,requirements,test,about,extra} ...]]
               cran_packages [cran_packages ...]

Positional Arguments


Specify the CRAN packages name.

Default: []

Named Arguments


Disable or enable stdout, if it is False, Grayskull will disable the prints. Default is True

Default: True


After the execution Grayskull will print all the missing dependencies.

Default: False

--download, -d

Download the sdist package and PyPI information in the same folder the recipe is located.

Default: False

--maintainers, -m

List of maintainers which will be added to the recipe.

--output, -o

Path to where the recipe will be created

Default: '.'


It will generate the recipes strict for the conda-forge channel.

Default: False

--sections, -s

Possible choices: package, source, build, requirements, test, about, extra

If sections are specified, grayskull will populate just the sections informed.

--use-v1-format, -u

Returns a recipe file in the V1 format, used by rattler-build. NOTE: This is experimental.

Default: False


Options to generate PyPI recipes

grayskull pypi [-h] [--download] [--maintainers MAINTAINERS [MAINTAINERS ...]]
               [--output OUTPUT] [--stdout STDOUT] [--list-missing-deps]
               [--strict-conda-forge] [--pypi-metadata-url URL_PYPI_METADATA]
               [--pypi-mirror-url URL_PYPI_MIRROR]
               [--pypi-url URL_PYPI_METADATA_DEPRECATED] [--recursive]
               [--sections {package,source,build,requirements,test,about,extra} [{package,source,build,requirements,test,about,extra} ...]]
               [--extras-require-test EXTRAS_REQUIRE_TEST]
               [--tag GITHUB_RELEASE_TAG] [--extras-require-all]
               [--extras-require-include [EXTRAS_REQUIRE_INCLUDE ...]]
               [--extras-require-exclude [EXTRAS_REQUIRE_EXCLUDE ...]]
               [--licence-exclude-folders [LICENCE_EXCLUDE_FOLDERS ...]]
               pypi_packages [pypi_packages ...]

Positional Arguments


Specify the PyPI packages name. Grayskull can also accept a github url.

Default: []

Named Arguments

--download, -d

Download the sdist package and PyPI information in the same folder the recipe is located.

Default: False

--maintainers, -m

List of maintainers which will be added to the recipe.

--output, -o

Path to where the recipe will be created

Default: '.'


Disable or enable stdout, if it is False, Grayskull will disable the prints. Default is True

Default: True


After the execution Grayskull will print all the missing dependencies.

Default: False


It will generate the recipes strict for the conda-forge channel.

Default: False


Pypi url server metadata endpoint;will be appended with ‘{pkgname}/json’

Default: ''


Pypi mirror URL; assumed to have same API as

Default: ''


DEPRECATED: use –pypi-metadata-url instead

--recursive, -r

Recursively run grayskull on missing dependencies.

Default: False

--sections, -s

Possible choices: package, source, build, requirements, test, about, extra

If sections are specified, grayskull will populate just the sections informed.


Extra requirements to run tests.

--tag, -t

If tag is specified, grayskull will build from release tag


Include all extra requirements.

Default: False


Include these extra requirements.

Default: ()


Exclude these extra requirements (overrides include).

Default: ()


Create a separate conda package for each extra requirements. Ignored when no extra requirements are selected.

Default: False


Exclude folders when searching for licence.

Default: ()

--use-v1-format, -u

Returns a recipe file in the V1 format, used by rattler-build. NOTE: This is experimental.

Default: False