url module

Fetch metadata from remote .conda or .tar.bz2 package.

Try to fetch less than the whole file if possible.

This module should only be used to make partial reads against a remote package, typically just the info portion. If a full .conda format package is needed, it is more efficient to download locally first and then use the file-based API.

conda_package_streaming.url.conda_reader_for_url(url, session=<requests.sessions.Session object>)

Return (name, file_like) suitable for package_streaming APIs

conda_package_streaming.url.extract_conda_info(url, destdir, checklist=frozenset({'info/index.json', 'info/recipe/meta.yaml'}), session=<requests.sessions.Session object>)

Extract info/index.json and info/recipe/meta.yaml from url to destdir; close url as soon as those files are found.

conda_package_streaming.url.stream_conda_info(url, session=<requests.sessions.Session object>)

Yield (tar, member) for conda package at url

Just “info/” for .conda, all members for tar.