API Docs


class conda_pack.CondaEnv(prefix, files, excluded_files=None)

A Conda environment for packaging.

Use CondaEnv.from_prefix(), CondaEnv.from_name(), or CondaEnv.from_default() instead of the default constructor.


Package the environment foo into a zip archive:

>>> (CondaEnv.from_name("foo")
...          .pack(output="foo.zip"))

Package the environment foo into a parcel:

>>> (CondaEnv.from_prefix("/path/to/envs/foo")
...          .pack(format="parcel", parcel_version="2020.09.01"))

Package the current environment into a tar.gz archive:

>>> (CondaEnv.from_default()
...          .pack(output="output.tar.gz"))

Create a CondaEnv object from the current environment, excluding all *.pyx files, except those from cytoolz.

>>> env = (CondaEnv.from_default()
...                .exclude("*.pyx")
...                .include("lib/python3.6/site-packages/cytoolz/*.pyx"))
CondaEnv<'~/miniconda/envs/example', 1234 files>

The path to the conda environment.

fileslist of File

A list of File objects representing all files in conda environment.

property name

The name of the environment

classmethod from_name(name, **kwargs)

Create a CondaEnv from a named environment.


The name of the conda environment.

classmethod from_prefix(prefix, **kwargs)

Create a CondaEnv from a given prefix.


The path to the conda environment.

classmethod from_default(**kwargs)

Create a CondaEnv from the current environment.


Exclude all files that match pattern from being packaged.

This can be useful to remove functionality that isn’t needed in the archive but is part of the original conda package.


A file pattern. May include shell-style wildcards a-la glob.


A new env with any matching files excluded.


Re-add all excluded files that match pattern


A file pattern. May include shell-style wildcards a-la glob.


A new env with any matching files that were previously excluded re-included.

pack(output=None, format='infer', arcroot='', dest_prefix=None, parcel_root=None, parcel_name=None, parcel_version=None, parcel_distro=None, verbose=False, force=False, compress_level=4, n_threads=1, zip_symlinks=False, zip_64=True)

Package the conda environment into an archive file.

outputstr, optional

The path of the output file. The basename of the output file defaults to the basename of the dest_prefix value, if supplied; otherwise to the basename of the environment. The suffix will be determined by the output format (e.g. my_env.tar.gz).

format{‘infer’, ‘zip’, ‘tar.gz’, ‘tgz’, ‘tar.bz2’, ‘tbz2’, ‘tar’, ‘parcel’, ‘squashfs’}

The archival format to use. By default this is inferred from the output file extension, and defaults to tar.gz if this is not supplied.

arcrootstr, optional

The relative path in the archive to the conda environment. Defaults to ‘’.

dest_prefixstr, optional

If present, prefixes will be rewritten to this path before packaging. In this case the conda-unpack script will not be generated.

parcel_root, parcel_name, parcel_version, parcel_distrostr, optional

(Parcels only) the root directory, name, version, and target distribution of the parcel. The name and version will be embedded into parcel metadata. The default values are:

  • parcel_root: /opt/cloudera/parcels

  • parcel_name: the base name of the environment directory

  • parcel_version: the current date in YYYY.MM.DD format.

  • parcel_distro: el7

It is important that parcel_root match the directory into which all parcels are unpacked on your cluster. Neither parcel_name nor parcel_version may contain dashes. The final destination of the parcel is assumed to be parcel_root/parcel_name-parcel_version, and both arcroot and dest_prefix are set accordingly. The default filename will be parcel_name-parcel_version-parcel_distro.parcel.

verbosebool, optional

If True, progress is reported to stdout. Default is False.

forcebool, optional

Whether to overwrite any existing archive at the output path. Default is False.

compress_levelint, optional

The compression level to use, from 0 to 9. Higher numbers decrease output file size at the expense of compression time. Ignored for format='zip'. Default is 4.

n_threadsint, optional

The number of threads to use. Set to -1 to use the number of cpus on this machine. If a file format doesn’t support threaded packaging, this option will be ignored. Default is 1.

zip_symlinksbool, optional

(zip format only) Symbolic links aren’t supported by the Zip standard, but are supported by many common Zip implementations. If True, symbolic links will be stored in the archive. If False, a copy of the linked file will be included instead. Choosing True can avoid storing multiple copies of the same file, but the archive may silently fail on decompression if the unzip implementation does not support symbolic links. For that reason, the default is False.

zip_64bool, optional

(zip format only) Whether to enable ZIP64 extensions. Default is True.


The path to the archived environment.


class conda_pack.File(source, target, is_conda=True, file_mode=None, prefix_placeholder=None)

A single archive record.


Absolute path to the source.


Relative path from the target prefix (e.g. lib/foo/bar.py).

is_condabool, optional

Whether the file was installed by conda, or comes from somewhere else.

file_mode{None, ‘text’, ‘binary’, ‘unknown’}, optional

The type of record.

prefix_placeholderNone or str, optional

The prefix placeholder in the file (if any)


conda_pack.pack(name=None, prefix=None, output=None, format='infer', arcroot='', dest_prefix=None, parcel_root=None, parcel_name=None, parcel_version=None, parcel_distro=None, verbose=False, force=False, compress_level=4, n_threads=1, zip_symlinks=False, zip_64=True, filters=None, ignore_editable_packages=False, ignore_missing_files=False)

Package an existing conda environment into an archive file.

namestr, optional

The name of the conda environment to pack.

prefixstr, optional

A path to a conda environment to pack. Only one of name and prefix should be supplied.

outputstr, optional

The path of the output file. Defaults to the environment name with a suffix determined by the format; e.g. my_env.tar.gz.

format{‘infer’, ‘zip’, ‘tar.gz’, ‘tgz’, ‘tar.bz2’, ‘tbz2’, ‘tar’, ‘parcel’}, optional

The archival format to use. By default, this is inferred from the output file extension, and defaults to tar.gz if output is not supplied.

arcrootstr, optional

The relative path in the archive to the conda environment. Defaults to ‘’.

dest_prefixstr, optional

If present, prefixes will be rewritten to this path before packaging. In this case the conda-unpack script will not be generated.

parcel_root, parcel_name, parcel_version, parcel_distrostr, optional

(Parcels only) the root directory, name, version, and target distribution of the parcel. The name and version will be embedded into parcel metadata. The default values are:

  • parcel_root: /opt/cloudera/parcels

  • parcel_name: the base name of the environment directory

  • parcel_version: the current date in YYYY.MM.DD format.

  • parcel_distro: el7

It is important that parcel_root match the directory into which all parcels are unpacked on your cluster. Neither parcel_name nor parcel_version may contain dashes. The final destination of the parcel is assumed to be parcel_root/parcel_name-parcel_version, and both arcroot and dest_prefix are set accordingly. The default filename will be parcel_name-parcel_version-parcel_distro.parcel.

verbosebool, optional

If True, progress is reported to stdout. Default is False.

forcebool, optional

Whether to overwrite any existing archive at the output path. Default is False.

compress_levelint, optional

The compression level to use, from 0 to 9. Higher numbers decrease output file size at the expense of compression time. Ignored for format='zip'. Default is 4.

zip_symlinksbool, optional

(zip format only) Symbolic links aren’t supported by the Zip standard, but are supported by many common Zip implementations. If True, symbolic links will be stored in the archive. If False, a copy of the linked file will be included instead. Choosing True can avoid storing multiple copies of the same file, but the archive may silently fail on decompression if the unzip implementation does not support symbolic links. For that reason, the default is False.

n_threadsint, optional

The number of threads to use. Set to -1 to use the number of cpus on this machine. If a file format doesn’t support threaded packaging, this option will be ignored. Default is 1.

zip_64bool, optional

(zip format only) Whether to enable ZIP64 extensions. Default is True.

filterslist, optional

A list of filters to apply to the files. Each filter is a tuple of (kind, pattern), where kind is either 'exclude' or 'include' and pattern is a file pattern. Filters are applied in the order specified.

ignore_editable_packagesbool, optional

By default conda-pack will error in the presence of editable packages. Set to True to skip these checks.

ignore_missing_filesbool, optional

Ignore that files are missing that should be present in the conda environment as specified by the conda metadata.


The path to the archived environment.