In order to use conda-lock in a docker-style context you want to add the lockfile to the
docker container. This avoids the case where the conda install xyz
statement is cached.
Given a file tree like
* conda-linux-64.lock
You want a dockerfile that is structured something similar to this
# Dockerfile
# -----------------
# Builder container
# -----------------
FROM continuumio/miniconda3:latest as builder
COPY conda-linux-64.lock /locks/conda-linux-64.lock
RUN conda create -p /opt/env --copy --file /locks/conda-linux-64.lock
# -----------------
# Primary container
# -----------------
# copy over the generated environment
COPY --from=builder /opt/env /opt/env
ENV PATH="/opt/env/bin:${PATH}"
To get this to work nicely generate the platform specific lock run something like this in your shell
# Update the lockfile
conda-lock --kind explicit --platform linux-64
# build the image
docker build -t myimagename:mytag .
This will ensure that your conda dependencies used in this docker container are always exactly reproducible.
conda-lock inside a build container
You can also use conda-lock with a build-container style system if you make use of
the --copy
flag from conda-lock install
# -----------------
# Builder container
# -----------------
FROM condaforge/mambaforge:4.14.0-0 as builder
COPY environment.yml /docker/environment.yml
RUN . /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ && \
mamba create --name lock && \
conda activate lock && \
mamba env list && \
mamba install --yes pip conda-lock>=1.2.2 setuptools wheel && \
conda-lock lock \
--platform linux-64 \
--file /docker/environment.yml \
--kind lock \
--lockfile /docker/conda-lock.yml
RUN . /opt/conda/etc/profile.d/ && \
conda activate lock && \
conda-lock install \
--mamba \
--copy \
--prefix /opt/env \
# optionally you can perfom some more cleanup on your conda install after this
# to get a leaner conda environment
# -----------------
# Primary container
# -----------------
COPY --from=builder /opt/env /opt/env
ENV PATH="/opt/env/bin:${PATH}"