# conda-classic-solver Welcome to the conda-classic-solver documentation! The `classic` solver has been powering `conda`'s resolution process since its inception. It's now packaged separately to benefit from the configurability of the plugin system. ## Learn ::::{grid} 2 :::{grid-item-card} Getting started :link: user-guide/index :link-type: doc New to conda-classic-solver? Start here to learn the essentials ::: :::{grid-item-card} Configuration :link: user-guide/configuration :link-type: doc Learn about all available configuration options :::: ## Development ::::{grid} 2 :::{grid-item-card} Development environment :link: dev/setup :link-type: doc Learn how to set up your development environment ::: :::{grid-item-card} Changelog :link: dev/changelog :link-type: doc Recent changes and udpates to the project :::: ```{seealso} Found a bug? [File an issue here](https://github.com/conda/conda-classic-solver/issues/new/choose) ``` ```{toctree} :hidden: user-guide/index dev/index ```